December 1-10, 2023 | Rome
December 1-10, 2023 | Rome
dicembre, 1º 2023, 10:00 am | dicembre, 10º 2023, 2:30 am
December 1-10, 2023
Acquario Romano, Rome Italy, Rome, Italy



Italy Ciampino, Roma, Rome

Italy, CiampinoItaly, RomaItaly, Rome
Collective of artists, designers, and performers with hidden identities, dedicated to exploring the as-yet unknown frontiers of digital technology.

Born in 2023 during the exhibition "Metainferno, Piano -9," on a day that commemorates the sadness and destruction caused by the war in Ukraine, through various forms of artistic expression ranging from immersive exhibitions to audiovisual performances, installations, and videomapping, METAINFERNO is a dark and wondrous journey through the digital realm.

The viewer is invited to discover how technology embodies the complexity and power that pervade our modern lives.



  • Sunday, 10 December 2023